Wednesday, April 27, 2016


In the Post-Patriarchal Era, boys began adorning themselves to attract females and females more than willingly admired what the boys proffered.


  1. There are a lot of us guys that would love to work in in office environment but to be able to wear the sexy skirted pinstriped suited outfits as some of the ladies do. It would be great to be gawked at by the ladies and I wouldn't mind doing errands for them in return.

  2. 3I bet the ladies are saying; "Nice Ass!"

  3. Actually instead of those ultra cute shorts he should be wearing a mini skirt of equal cuteness and length to those shorts.It'd be great as he'd be walking by 1st one of the ladies would sneak a whistle and another saying cute ass honey and that one would actually grab hold the bottom of his skirt and lift it up allowing the last girl to give him a quick little spanking with her opened palm of her outstretched hand right across his undies.(Hopefully he wasn't wearing Miss Kitty or Super Girl undies).He would then walk on turning his head. Saying Come on girls you can surely hit harder then that. Bye.

  4. It would be wonderful to move past the drab constraints of male fashion and dress in these new styles.

  5. Wish this was me at my girlfriend's office, being teased by the ladies. My girlfriend, Miss Kimberly loves seeing me emasculated
